How old is Radhi Devlukia‑Shetty? When is Radhi Devlukia‑Shetty's birthday? Where is Radhi Devlukia‑Shetty born? Where did Radhi Devlukia‑Shetty grow up from? What's Radhi Devlukia‑Shetty's age?
Radhi Devlukia‑Shetty Born: July 30, 1990 (age 33years), United Kingdom
Is Radhi Devlukia‑Shetty married? When did Radhi Devlukia‑Shetty get married? Who's Radhi Devlukia‑Shetty's married to? (Who's Radhi Devlukia‑Shetty's husband / wife)?
Radhi Devlukia‑Shetty Spouse: Jay Shetty
How about Radhi Devlukia‑Shetty's nationality?
Radhi Devlukia‑Shetty Nationality: British
Are Jay Shetty and Radhi Devlukia separated?
Radhi Devlukia Shetty was born in Mumbai, India, and spent her childhood between Mumbai and London. Her family is of Gujarati descent and owns a successful business in the construction industry.
How did Jay Shetty meet his wife?
Radhi Devlukia Shetty was born in Mumbai, India, and spent her childhood between Mumbai and London. Her family is of Gujarati descent and owns a successful business in the construction industry.
Is Radhi Shetty Gujarati?
Radhi Devlukia Shetty was born in Mumbai, India, and spent her childhood between Mumbai and London. Her family is of Gujarati descent and owns a successful business in the construction industry.